Join us for a fulsome Wilder.Work Day, where we’ll dive into the first principle of permaculture: Observe and Interact. This principle holds the key to promoting sustainable and effective practices across various aspects of your business, right from the design phase to your day-to-day leadership interactions.
We’re going to learn how to do a ‘Bio-Blast’ – noting all the flora and fauna in a few square metre radius over the course of an hour – in a regenerative farming site, then using this freshly honed skill of observation in our business through professional coaching.
As business leaders, the simple act of observation and understanding is incredibly powerful. It allows us to step back from the chaos of our daily lives and gain a broader perspective. Akin to stepping back from pressing our nose against the cinema screen of our lives, into the audience seats, so we can take in the full picture. I personally experienced the significance of this practice while casually strolling through my garden at dawn, observing what thrived, what struggled, and how it all interacted – all without judging myself or the plants for how they were doing. Everything was trying its hardest in the circumstances it was in. It made me realise how little I applied this practice within my business before I sold it in 2019, and how valuable it could have been.
The principle of “Observe and Interact” lies at the core of regenerative farming, which aims to restore and enhance the health of the land by carefully observing and understanding various factors that contribute to the farm as a business and ecosystem. These factors include the economic context of the community, orientation, drainage and irrigation systems, natural ecosystems, flora and fauna, soil biodiversity and composition, and climate conditions.
In contrast, conventional agro-farming, the prevailing method since the 1950s, often overlooks these essential factors. It relies on large machinery, excessive chemical use, and intensified crop production, resulting in degraded soil and the alarming depletion of our agricultural resources. The United Nations has even warned that we have just 60 more harvests left if we continue on this unsustainable path.
Considering these practices, it’s worth reflecting on where we, as business owners, position ourselves on the spectrum between regenerative and agro-farming. How much time do we dedicate to observing the natural forces at play within our businesses and taking action to restore balance based on our core design principles? Do we rely on quick-fix solutions, analogous to pouring chemicals, such as expensive business consultants or recruitment agencies attempting to address talent retention challenges?
Imagine the harmony we could bring to our day-to-day business operations by incorporating ongoing observation and monitoring. This approach reduces the need for large-scale, potentially harmful interventions and fosters a more sustainable and balanced way of running our businesses.
Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your attentiveness, adaptability, and responsiveness as a business leader. We’re keeping to a cost price of £195 per ticket for this event as we continue to test and refine our concept.
Reserve your spot now for an unforgettable Wilder.Work Day on July 11th Sitopia Farm, Greenwich.